Saturday, January 30, 2010

Vive Tout Le Jour Dans Votre La Vie Avec Ayiti Sour Ta Couer

Just when you think that your tear ducts can no longer produce any more tears, you find yourself crying at the circumstances of our homeland and our people. We find ourselves asking God why and wonder if the small island of Haiti where so many of us call home can take anymore...for many these past 18 days have been hell as we've been left in complete disbelief of the 7.0 earthquake that  devastated the capital, Port-au-Prince. Despite the shock that many of us are still in we have summed up the courage to continue life not as we lived prior to 01.12.10, but have continued our journey with a new found purpose. Setting our tears aside and replacing them with hope, the hope that so many of the victims of the earthquake may have so very little of, we find ourselves donating money, clothing, food, water and medical supplies to those in need in Haiti. Some of  us have even found ourselves working relentless, as if trying to spare the lives of those with very little hope who are still under the rubble two weeks after the earthquake, volunteering during our spare time and partaking in fund raising events to help allocate the necessary funds to help alleviate Haiti's despair. Despite other's feelings of hopelessness, NOW is not the time to let our tears and feelings be in vain, yet this is the time to be PROACTIVE about what has occurred in Port-au-Prince. Don't let the 111,000+ lives that we lost be in vain, yet let us unite as one, commemorating their lives. For so long we as a people have forgotten about unity and the strength in our numbers that 01.12.2010 serves as a wake up call to our purpose in life...AYITI... a wake up call reminding us that we can no longer sleep on our people.

Vive Tout Le Jour Dans Vous La Vie Avec Ayiti Sour Votre Couer

In Honor of the NEW HAITI